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ting_bu_dong t1_iyiphma wrote

> One thing I would say is that there has never been and never will be a time in which there isn’t change happening. It’s a matter of degree or severity. Only when a thing no longer exists can there no longer be change.

Well, sure, there can be change. But if we take this seriously:

>we repeat the past simply because these are the only forms that seem remotely viable to consider

Then, there is no "real" (radical?) change; just a repetition of viable, acceptable forms. Society recreating itself as just the latest remake.

Though, I do kinda wonder if all the cultural sameness is simply driven by capitalism, not... organically, for lack of a better term? Hollywood makes endless remakes and superhero movies, for example, because they sell. And, so, it looks like that's all there is. But there is plenty more out there. It's just all the more out there isn't picked up; "the algorithm" doesn't boost it. Cool new stuff gets buried and goes unnoticed.

>That lack of fulfillment can be meant with something like acceptance instead which would minimize or prevent depression.

I'm reminded of The Myth of Sisyphus here. "Accept that reality is absurd slow moving."


MichaelOraProNobis t1_iyitych wrote

I would say that there is always change, not that there can be change. As long as there is motion there is change.

Not to be pedantic but it is impossible to repeat the past. We can experience things that bear a resemblance with the past. There can be behavioral patterns that act in a particular way that is shared among all humans but the manifestation of that behavior and the results of are unique to that point in time.

Remakes while I agree are a bit to repetitive or redundant for my liking, are new and different. Like Heraclitus said about not being able to step in the same river twice. The perceived lack of difference is dependent on the scale of the examination. The complaint of Sisyphean repetition can just speak to a jadedness or hedonistic dulling.


ting_bu_dong t1_iyiuzzh wrote

>Not to be pedantic but it is impossible to repeat the past.

Well, sure, that's why I framed it as "recreation" of the past (or maybe "reproduction").

Whatever you want to call the conservative force that keeps keeps society from radically changing.