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Wizzdom t1_iymx5r7 wrote

Except information can change your sense of right and wrong. Take smoking/drinking while pregnant. It didn't feel wrong until we learned it's harmful to the baby. You can absolutely change your sense of right and wrong by studying and thinking about it.


cutelyaware t1_iyomja5 wrote

The moral position involved in your example is that it's wrong to harm fetuses. If you learn that drinking harms fetuses, then you haven't changed your position by then concluding that's wrong behavior. You started off believing it was wrong to harm fetuses, and you ended up still believing that. You've just updated your opinion based on new information.


VitriolicViolet t1_iyt343x wrote

and? i knew smoking was harmful before i tried it (read the studies) and yet ive been doing for 10 years with no intention to stop.

some people value different things, resulting in different morals. personally safety and security arent even in my top 3 values (honesty, integrity and personal freedom) hence why smoking being factually bad hasnt changed my behavior.

what is more moral? allowing children to teach their kids anything or having the state determine what age certain concepts like sexuality and religion should be taught? your answer will 100% be determined by your values and if you ask 10 people all will be different and none will be wrong.


Wizzdom t1_iytga9f wrote

First of all, that has nothing to do with what I said. Second, I was talking about smoking while pregnant. Surely you at least value not harming others unnecessarily. If you don't, then you are immoral.