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kapaciosrota t1_iz27k7p wrote

Look up "Roko's Basilisk", but only if you're ready for a bit of existential dread


jeffsappendix t1_iz28glr wrote

I was not ready

Edit: removed thank you


kapaciosrota t1_iz3ujyj wrote

> removed thank you

Lol, for some reason that had me cracking up

Just to make things a bit more stomachable, game theory says the basilisk, once it already exists, gains nothing from actually punishing you so the rational thing to do, for both parties, is to do nothing.


StarChild413 t1_iz49cnz wrote

but wouldn't that be invalid as (trying to be as vague as possible for reasons that should become clear) a. because torture can be psychological and the simulation theory isn't disproven we have no proof this isn't just a moot point and a sci-fi version of original sin instead of pascal's wager and b. smart AI would realize everyone doing the same job only means the project lasts as long as stored food supplies


kapaciosrota t1_iz4ci71 wrote

Yes it is kind of refuted, as the basilisk would have no incentive to actually torture those who didn't help build it, it's just a waste of resources. But it's an interesting theory nevertheless.