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iiioiia t1_iz76cyl wrote

> The lore of psychedelia is saturated with information pertaining to this - though i feel a certain amount of salt taken with this is essential due to the mind maintaining a capacity for crafting sub-autonomies which intermingle and provoke self contained feedback states [schizophrenia, tulpas, Dissociative Identity disorder, etc]

Agree, though what so many people overlook when applying salt is that the mind makes things up during normal consciousness as well - the subreddit I linked above is full of not-actually-scientific scientific thinking. You seem less prone to falling for these tricks which is a nice change of pace!

> Either way, they entail a wealth of knowledge and profundity - and until we get "real" "time" readouts of the experiences themselves or anomalous spikes in future variables with meta-tech sensors - it's entirely within the realm of plausible deniability when faced with the [quasi-rightful] tryant that is modern science .

Scientific thinkers do love epistemology, when it works in their favour at least!

> I'm exceedingly interested in detachments from the illicit though - and postulations dealing strictly with the extents of thought in sobriety . Ie - our consciousness defined by the spatial axis' x, y, z is somehow interacted with by a "consciousness" defined by the spatial axis' x, z, z² , what forms of "consciousness" might exist when emergently related to a reality substrate dictated by differing mathematical constants, what forms of "consciousness" exist within the span of a second [their relative experience of existence feels like 80 years], what variables of sustenance exist in the ebbs of post temporal/spatial transcendence - and what avenues of "life" base their "existence" around such things?

I think our (default) consciousness is kind of hardwired to 3D reality and our (human-longevity-distorted) sense of time, and as a consequence we continue to make bad decisions as a species.....what's your take on this theory?

> and how do all of these hypothetical instances relate to the perception of us from an outsider perspective ?

Exactly...which is why I think people often find psychedelic trips "more real than reality" at the time, and are certain of it, but can't recall why afterwards.

> So many questions, so much socioeconomic stiflement, so little time

Ha! Too true, too true.


sempiternal_susurrus t1_iz7jnf6 wrote

I think that we have been bred selectively for optimum fulfillment of lower tiers of maslow's heirarchy of needs , and so we are very much entirely predisposed towards only interacting with that which is pertinant to the base aspects of reality . In time , perhaps our evolution could be trajected towards us leaving the waters of leadened reality and shaking , subtly, the droplets of physicality from our repurposed vestigialities of form - perhaps this is a heaven or hell . Society has much promise yet seemingly is pushing for nonthinking drones, purposefully subjected to the lower rungs - which is antithetical to advancements of capacity for fulfilling higher tiers of the heirarchy. I think we do purposefully make bad decisions and that it is an affliction of purpose and intent by select members of the species for gain - by will of power inherited and by will of pushing for bad decisions to be made so as to retain the status quo and prevent ascension of the power structure we currently find ourselves in .

We're also like preteens in term of geo-political amoebic poly-autonomous societal entities so it's like - ahhh when's the fermi paradox scythe gonna bring out the dead in nuclear hollocaust

I've heard tell of there being definitive gain from only being privy to base levels of reality - perhaps our trivial life and death - the whole tragedy of the human experience , in terms of species , is a blessing - hubris is a concept of biblical folly

[Tldr:] maybe we should continue to make bad decisions so we can remain gratefully dead , our waking minds asleep to the horrors of what could be - waiting blissfully in our own negligence of comprehension for that slumber , somnium eternal

Also whoa its so cool to actually like talk to somebody ab this i've been ruminating in intellectual isolation for like years now