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subzero112001 t1_izw7vo9 wrote

“The questioner has no reasonable basis to only value only his own freedom”

Of course they have a basis. Placing oneself above those around you is pretty much the rule for all living things. Self-preservation/selfishness over others is a very valid basis. It’s the most fundamental of basis.


contractualist OP t1_izwju4q wrote

What’s being valued isn’t living status or welfare but the power of agency. Agency isn’t agent-relative but it’s agency itself. It’s a possession which everyone has in equal capacity and no justifiable difference exists (you can’t say that one is more free than others).


subzero112001 t1_izxc5lz wrote

>Agency isn’t agent-relative but it’s agency itself.

> It’s a possession which everyone has in equal capacity

No, they really don't have an equal capacity. Not hypothetically, realistically, or even in any manner is it equal.

> no justifiable difference exists (you can’t say that one is more free than others)

Agency over oneself compared to not having agency over another entity is a massive difference.


There unfortunately seems to be some big lapse in mutual comprehension here.