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bildramer t1_j0ud960 wrote

What she means is that when you say something like "narcissism leads to linguistic tyranny", you should actually make sure you know what that means, and that that means anything at all, not just let vibes do the work for you.


FindorKotor93 t1_j0udh1a wrote

Ironic considering what she said is that when you read someone say something, you should have a strong definition of words in your head and not conclude "Oh they can't possibly mean that."So either she's a hypocrite or you're a liar.
Edit: "Take it literally. Don’t translate it, don’t glamorize it, don’t make the mistake of thinking, as many people do: “Oh, nobody could possibly mean this!” and then proceed to endow it with some whitewashed meaning of your own. Take it straight, for what it does say and mean."


coolcatthemusical t1_j0wmapt wrote

how are we even discussing rand on this sub and how are people arguing with you about this


bildramer t1_j0uesx9 wrote

I mean, judging by what you said, context and intent (or what you assume is the intent) is more important to you than the straightforward meaning. What did you think Ayn Rand said? "We should use dictionaries" but in more words? No, the important thing she says is that we should live by ideas we accept as true, that we should uphold values we claim to defend. You don't need to impose your meaning on others, but there needs to be a meaning you take seriously.


[deleted] t1_j0uf5ix wrote



BernardJOrtcutt t1_j10auv8 wrote

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iiioiia t1_j0y99ju wrote

> Ironic considering what she said is that when you read someone say something, you should have a strong definition of words in your head and not conclude "Oh they can't possibly mean that."So either she's a hypocrite or you're a liar.

a) Can you quote the text where she said precisely this?

b) That's a lovely false dichotomy, but I think you may have missed at east one other possibility: you've misinterpreted the message.


FindorKotor93 t1_j0z2qga wrote

A) I literally did right under: Thank you for proving me right by not interacting with the quote or second guessing yourself because your own interpretation of what I said was more important than context.
b) Nope. If I have to reinterpret beyond the literal meaning of her words, she's a hypocrite. If she wants me to take her words at face value, Bil's a liar. Do you have an alternate explanation or are you witnessing the NPD driven desire to shit on inconvenient truths even if you can't think of a counter explanation.


[deleted] t1_j0zm6jg wrote



[deleted] t1_j102g4w wrote



BernardJOrtcutt t1_j109sba wrote

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BernardJOrtcutt t1_j109skk wrote

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Sitheral t1_j0vonxn wrote

There is one problem with that - people always pick up vibes, meaning? Yeah, sometimes, when the planets are in right place, I would say about an hour or two a day, if there are no distractions around.