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iiioiia t1_j0vy9bo wrote

> I suppose I could form strong beliefs like Republicans do, based on what Fox News says.

> I mean why trust my eyes when I could just trust talking heads.

Trusting either may not be wise.

> Remember, critical thinking is a tool of the left, you should skip it unless you want to be woke.

Is this to say that all people on the left are good at critical thinking, or even a majority of them are?

> There is no room for thought on the right.

What does this even mean?

> Facts slide off Republicans like Teflon.

Perhaps you should give the rules on the sidebar a read.

> "Omg that's a cartoon, there is no possible way that cartoons can contain truth, I should just reject it outright, especially because it doesn't conform to my twisted perspective of the world". - you presumably

Well, you are incorrect once again.

I'm genuinely curious: why do you do this? Granted, it's surely plenty of fun, but still. It seems to me to be contrary both to your implied desires as well as your literal words.