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Saadiqfhs t1_j0vgukm wrote

A world where all our needs are met


pgslaflame t1_j0vhpc0 wrote

What kind of needs?

Like everyone has food, water, a roof above one’s head and receives the needed love?


Saadiqfhs t1_j0vis3u wrote

All really, to point where even the need the walk will be inferior way of life


pgslaflame t1_j0vkrpv wrote

I don’t think that’ll be possible while having organic bodies. Also a future in which my way of life is viewed as inferior, just bc I like walking and use my body doesn’t sound too utopian 😅.

Do you maybe mean a “every wish is granted” type of future?


Saadiqfhs t1_j0wdeul wrote

I think that what I see as the closes thing we will be in Utopia


pgslaflame t1_j0wnldu wrote

So maybe just like in matrix, only less misanthropic, with a simulation that does whatever one of the player wishes, wo each of those being able to harm each other? Or does it need to be “real”?


Oh-hey21 t1_j1ekxuu wrote

I'm not sure where to interject, picking here..

I think it's impossible to have a universally agreed set of standards and needs. We're already proving that individual communities struggle to establish guidelines that are not questioned.

In order to achieve a utopia I believe we'd need to become far too similar, more than anyone else would like.

No matter what, a baseline needs to be established. Everything would have to be agreed on, and that would require an entire planet's worth of agreement. Utopia is easier to exist in a small group, and even then, you're going to have far too many differing opinions.

Is a utopia even desirable?