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theunfinishedletter t1_j1386b8 wrote

“We are trapped in our bodies and our conscious.” Discuss

The statement is indifferent as to the question of whether this is good or bad.


ephemerios t1_j1445lb wrote

Suggests that "we" is an distinguishable entity from our body and consciousness and not just an emergent one from our body and/or consciousness. Why should we believe that?


Oh-hey21 t1_j1ecqrr wrote

Do you believe that you are control of your typical body functions? Handling of nutrients, the air we breathe, maintaining a balance, and so on..

What do you define as yourself?

I am struggling with this one. Obviously I am not controlling every single cell within my body. I expect my body to continue functioning as it should, given I maintain it.

An emergent entity would offer up the chance that there are others that may be capable of emerging?