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breadandbuttercreek t1_j1b7fav wrote

There are definitely different ways of looking at life, but generally flexibility and adaptability will serve you better than stubbornness and selfishness. If people try to take advantage of you, you need to find ways to protect yourself. Sometimes easier said than done.


WolverineSanders t1_j1b98tv wrote

I wish everyone was flexible adaptable, but I see no evidence to suggest that people aren't more rewarded in our society for being stubborn and selfish


IAmNotAPerson6 t1_j1bzqz8 wrote

This is just way too contextual to be descibable summarily and as generally as said here.


EchosEchosEchosEchos t1_j1b828o wrote

For sure. Just mentioning a potential pitfall, or maybe it's just a single past relationship of mine I'm applying as a universal potential pitfall. Dunno.