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StarKiller2626 t1_j2aybno wrote

That's literally the opposite of the truth. Starving people I'm just gonna say Africa for ease of analogy would be a huge market. Provide them with food and you're several billions of dollars per year richer. The problem is to provide them with food you have to make the nation's they're in safe enough, and stop the corruption to allow it to work. Which would require military intervention or insane politicking. You'd also have to make them wealthy enough to buy the food because otherwise it's just slave labor because someone has to be paid for all the work producing it which would also require dealing with the local corruption and violence.

Bottom line corporations would LOVE if everyone was well fed, well off and could buy whatever they wanted. Because it all goes into their pockets. But local govts make that practically impossible. Govts like people hungry, poor and unsecured. Because those people rely on the govts kindness and help just to survive which gives them power. Politicians are the enemy of progress, not business owners.
