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gordonisadog t1_j2jq8yx wrote

I’ve only read Under the Net, and to my great disappointment I found it pretty terrible. A few shallow bits of Wittgenstein strewn into a boring and poorly written story. I really wanted to like this but it was a struggle to finish. I kept telling myself this is going to pay off, but it never did.


brontesister t1_j2lflpn wrote

As someone who didn’t love Under the Net - The Sea, The Sea and A Severed Head are some of my favorite books of all time. I would recommend giving her another go.


gordonisadog t1_j2mkacs wrote

Thanks for that! I’ll take a look at those two.


brontesister t1_j2nefzm wrote

I'm always surprised to see Under the Net thrown around as her most well-known and most recommended book.

I think you'll get a better sense of her style and voice from the other books.