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ReindeerBrief561 t1_j3hvre5 wrote

I’ve been pondering the meaning of life and had a realization I found quite interesting. The function of humor is an inverted expression of life’s meaning.

One of the leading theories on the mechanics of Humor is the Benign/Violation Theory which proposes that humor arises under the condition that a benign situation and a situation of violation occur simultaneously. A benign situation is characterized by order and predictability, whereas a situation of violation is characterized by chaos and unpredictability. Thus, humor is the coalescence of Order and Chaos.

A framework for the “meaning of life” can be structured from the themes of chaos and order as described by Jordan Peterson and the description of the ego’s domain by German philosopher Max Sterner. These themes come together to form a rudimentary definition of “ordering the chaos of one’s domain”. Essentially, finding solutions to the problems one cares about in no specific manner. While all existence contains a blend of chaos and order, life’s meaning is determined by the separation of Order and Chaos.

I posted this but it got taken down as not being substantial enough (I think) and would appreciate any help as how to make this a main post. Thank you