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Old_Personality3136 t1_j2w2xu0 wrote

His points have vastly more evidence behind them than yours. Positive, negative, or otherwise, the argument with the most evidence is usually the best one.


gahblahblah t1_j2w6ihf wrote

My points? My points were mostly only that his points were false. He made definitive statements that can be proven false by providing a single counter example to them, although there are many.

Do you too believe there isn't 'a single drop of hope' and that 'no one is doing anything' and that it is 'impossible to motivate people if they will even be slightly inconvenienced'? Are you sure these are valid statements that I can't easily prove false?

Final question - are you yourself the kind of person who wouldn't bother to act in the world's best interest if it slightly inconvenienced you?