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Dry_Turnover_6068 t1_j3i9sxf wrote

Someone needs to invent a new religion. The ones we have today are boring.


seeseabee t1_j3jo39t wrote

Technically I would say that we already have a new religion that popped up in the last few hundred years and is steadily growing stronger, especially in the last 50 years: Capitalism.


ValHova22 t1_j3jwcys wrote

Reminds me of the Chris Rock joke. "I been looking for Gold all my life and he's on the back of the dollar bill. In God We Trust


afraidfoil t1_j3j7itj wrote

I wouldn’t call them boring just more than a bit archaic.


lizzolz t1_j3kgomt wrote

> Someone needs to invent a new religion. The ones we have today are boring.

You've never read scripture, clearly.


agent_wolfe t1_j3kz813 wrote

All Bow Our Heads And Pray to the New God:

Manos!! The Hands of Fate!!!


Prineak t1_j3kdx83 wrote

Won’t happen until art gets a revival with AI and people finally understanding postmodernism through the postcontemporary.