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Gmroo OP t1_j3nvkwi wrote

It's difficult to quantify, but the core point ia that despite these cultural and linguistic differences we're relatively the same. It's when really different types of minds and entities are introduced that huge deviations from the norm become..the norm.

This augmentation ia underway already in a soft way,.. phones and technology we use every day. I work in AI myself and I expect things to rapidly accelerate from here on out.

Although I think there will be lots of worldwide access to information...something that is getting better every day.. poverty levels too.. people worst off will likely to remain worst off.

The details are very hard to predict though. I personally am sure this intersubjectivity collapse must happen because both possibly mind design space is large as we see in the animal kingdom and we're just not equipped as a society to deal with it.

I even speculate that some of this new communication barriers can't be overcome for the same reason as me not being able to check inside your head ans bkdy to figure out your internal states.