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TommyDeeTheGreat t1_j3mwtox wrote

I have a long time consideration for a cosmos defined in 2-1/2D as a static universe. Over the period of my long life, so far, many of the things required for this envisioned cosmology has either come to light or has become a new fascination in science.

I use 2-1/2D specifically to account for branes, the natural follow-on from string theory so well explored by Brian Greene. A brane being defined classically, and by me, as a 2 dimensional plane of sorts. The 1/2D is about stacking sheets of branes for the lack of better analogy.

This makes for a static 3D cosmos by most accounts except that you could consider a brane a unique element not shared in stacks. Only 'impetus', to be defined of course, but only impetus passes from one element of a brane to the neighboring brane through 'influence'.

What is the brane? I know Brian Greene is going at this from the string theory perspective and it is overly complicated in my view but it does define interaction that I cannot comprehend at this time. However, this 2-1/2D cosmology fully supports the interactions that Brian has defined/discovered/ and theorized. I want to simplify a brane here to mean a field with 0 as one side and 1 as the other for schematic reference. Binary, as quantized as Planck considers our classic universe based on the ultraviolet catastrophe and the resulting Planck scales. Therefore, in this Planck-scale cosmology, the brane is all protential, from 0-1, analog BTW, waves, strings, planes, whatever... a quantum state of 'every possibility at once' as quantum implies. For the purpose of this treatise, the brane is a standing wave of any value interacted with by its neighboring brane/wave, and for want of restrictions, I even want to make that interaction absolutely perpendicular to the influencing wave. This is where the bounds of string theory come in.

The branes don't make me happy in this cosmology. Even the branes need to be quantized. They have lateral influence too. Quantized segments of a single brane are of the same generation as the brane making their interaction much more string theory in their connections. Having quantized the brane, we now you have the potential for interlocking branes in all directions. A universe of quantum bits. Absolutely stable and in their own time. 'The universe is quiet."

Introduce a big bang. I know, how does that even happened in this peaceful cosmos. But say something flexed. That becomes a propagation throughout the 'crystals' of the cosmos. Nothing moved, remember, just a influence for one quantum state to change to another, and so on and so on. Eventually, all states will be realized... by the cosmos itself.

Light is the ultimate speedster in this cosmos. A quantized series of cubes arranges in such a way to communicate with one and other. Each passes information and adds previous influence before passing off the information to the next 'dot'. Light ray is what we consider the least restricted 'element' devised by the impulse. Being static, the light ray has no reason to obey time. It can spontaneously exist in one cosmological state and not in every other state. After all, light is only light to an observer... a transition. Quantum states are not bound by this.

The implications of such a universe are not minor. This can explain a lot including black holes and the very illusion of reality. We are the only observers and properly considered, we are the only probes that can influence the quantized cosmos. Just to get to our Planck scale, we still have 100's if not 1,000's of divisions before we reach this quantized scale. Even quarks would involve many 1,000's of these quantum elements at worst, likely into the millions for a single quark.

The real beauty of this cosmology is the fact that scale means nothing anymore. Time means nothing anymore. And above all, this cosmos is not quantized; time is. There seems to be a horizon where time becomes manifest.

So this is my philosophical universe. We literally move through time which is a construct of a quantum state. No multiverses; no blinking out; no grand scales - just a possibility. We, our consciousness, literally passes from one quantum element to the next en-mass every moment of our lives, as does matter.

"What would happened to humanity if they realized they don't actually exist?"


Thank you MODs for making Monday a funday ;]