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obiwan_canoli t1_j3rvq9t wrote

>Psychologists consider psychopaths as broken individuals in regards to society, and so they should be considered evil.

I'm sorry, but did you just say broken people are evil?


Fallacy_Spotted t1_j3sf49z wrote

He said psychopaths are broken in way that makes them dangerous to society and that psychopaths are considered evil. He didn't say all broken people are evil.


brutinator t1_j3skf96 wrote

But not everyone suffering from psychopathy (or sociopathy) does any more evil things than the average neurotypical. Dangerous people are dangerous, but psychopathy =/= dangerous.


AmbushJournalism t1_j3tnsy1 wrote

>Dear reader, nobody gives a whit about whether you like ice cream or
not. We care about what works and doesn’t work. Everyone has to agree on
that. What works can be around in some way. What doesn’t work is going
to have to be gotten rid of, no matter who you are or where or when you

If I understand the article correctly, that is what he is saying. The basis of his argument defines evil in some greek root or something.