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baileyjn8 OP t1_j3v22eb wrote

I didn’t say Thanos thought it was indiscriminate. I said it was portrayed as being indiscriminate. I did add your quote of Thanos to the essay, though, to clarify that Thanos certainly thought it was not indiscriminate.


durntaur t1_j3v4ab6 wrote

Let's clarify positions:

  • Your position is that Thanos wasn't indiscriminate.
  • u/yungyakitz was arguing that your claim that Thanos only killed bads guys, thus not being indiscriminate, is not supported by the source material. That is, he was indiscriminate with The Snap, "good" and "bad" people were dusted alike.
  • My reply is an acknowledgement of agreement with u/yungyakitz, i.e. the supposition that Thanos was not discriminate, as present in your treatment, is wrong. I then elaborate that being indiscriminate (with regard to The Snap) would be critical to Thanos by virtue of his pathology.

I appreciate your most recent clarification of your position, but I stand by the position that The Snap was indiscriminate by necessity.


baileyjn8 OP t1_j3v4mw6 wrote

I don’t take a position on Thanos here. One difference between Thanos and the Messiah is that Thanos is not the representation of an omniscient God. All I say is that Thanos thinks he is helping out, but his snap is portrayed by the filmmakers as being indiscriminate, and therefore mass murder.

Marvel assumes atheism here. It’s an atheistic movie designed to appeal to atheists, and from that perspective Thanos makes a pretty decent bad guy.

But as I mention in the essay, Messiah will come and some people are gonna get killed. But in that context, they’re only going to get killed on this earth. And as for the ultimate fate of all beings, only the truly evil will be gotten rid of. And TBH, I have a theory that the evil ones may leave reality voluntarily. Exercising their free will.

This will happen around the year 3,000. Hence, “I love you 3,000.”

Satan will have three choices.

1 - kneel before the king. 2 - go back into the void. 3 - merge with infinity.

I think he will choose to merge with infinity and be gone.

And, we will remember what he did when he was here, and we will freely choose not to walk in his footsteps.