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ToasterStrudelCrimes t1_j4y70ff wrote

I strongly believe in the fact that someone’s reasoning for a crime, does not change the crime of that in itself.

It is often said, “Is stealing bad? What if someone stole to feed their family?”

I am not saying that stealing is objectively bad, just that the reason for any crime does not change the crime committed and what should be punished for it. The factor in crime is malicious intent over self preservation. There could be thousands of reasons for someone committing murder although none make that person have committed less of a wrongdoing or more of one. Lightening someone’s punishment or worsening it is acting on personal feelings over facts.


Loud-Communication-6 t1_j4zdhts wrote

Do you think somebody stealing food to feed their family should receive the same sentence as somebody stealing food to put a store out of business?


Oh-hey21 t1_j54t3ma wrote

I get what you're saying, but eventually you're going to hit a gray area, right?

You may think it's ok to drink alcohol, but other parts of the world do not agree. Which one is right? Why?