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Abarsn20 t1_j5trdy7 wrote

Lol they are all reaction to the exact same thing. In general Antifa is a little different because the individuals in that movement tend to be from a privileged background so they don’t have as much in common as Jan 6/MAGA and BLM do.


regalAugur t1_j5ujtbb wrote

they are reactions to fascism, yeah. if you're pro fascism then you'd definitely hate those guys, who happen to be the majority of the people who live in the United States by a pretty massive margin


Abarsn20 t1_j5umg5z wrote

Which one Antifa, BLM or MAGA? I don’t think you can provide a case of any of them. They are all decentralized populist movements. The opposite of a centralized authoritarian movement. I’m open to hear your argument but I don’t see anything resembling a fascist movement outside of the governments response to Covid and we were in the middle of a global crisis so that’s forgivable. Although they have been clinging to their authoritarian power far longer than they should but nonetheless.