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No_Maintenance_569 OP t1_j6b280q wrote

>every single time someone has attempted to argue in favor of existence they have done so in the same way you’re attempting to now with this “proof.”

I'm not trying to prove that God exists. I am trying to solve that exact problem, that proof. People have been trying to write it as a logical proof for 2,000 years. I believe my proof does so. Does it actually prove God exists? No, it's more a kritik of the framework we use to draw those conclusions and think about them, now that a "being" exists that is capable of doing so better than us. Even if you don't like the kritik though, that's fine too. The proof in and of itself is something people have been trying to do for 2,000 years. Why do I need to go past that? I just solved a 2,000-year-old riddle. I'll take that win and go home.

The wording between Premise 1 in my post and my comment changed only insofar as one was a direct call out of anyone who makes these arguments, egotistical as you said. Nothing at all changed with the premise.

You hit on what I wanted to! What I have been waiting for! You make a lot of good claims about logic. My argument is not at all whether or not you are right with those claims. My argument is, a "being" exists in the world that can answer that question better than we can. Since they can answer it better than we can, we should default to "God" then because we are more simple beings.

What is logic? Why can't AI produce it in the same way as a human can exactly? I think it is only ego that blocks those questions. Thus we come back to that subject again.


Sentry333 t1_j6b4twz wrote

Well I guess I give up then, because I have zero idea what you think you’re achieving. You wanted to write an unsound and invalid syllogism and you succeeded, so you count that as a win. Cool. Congrats.


No_Maintenance_569 OP t1_j6b5jjj wrote

Why did Descartes write his "Meditations"? The very first people to posit the question were Aristotle and Plato. For 2,000 years now, people have been trying to simply write a logical proof, where the logical conclusion follows, that "God Exists". Sure, there are reasons why people want that proof. I don't care to debate those reasons.

My proof solves the riddle. It didn't 10 years ago, it didn't 2,000 years ago. Probably why people have been trying to solve the riddle for 2,000 years. I just happened to be born and alive during the period where this thought could first actually be true. Doesn't matter how I got to it though, Descartes, Aristotle, Plato, anyone else who came in between there trying to solve this particular riddle, can kiss my ass.


Sentry333 t1_j6b5w0l wrote

Let me get this straight. You think you’re the first person to write a logical proof that concludes god exists?


No_Maintenance_569 OP t1_j6b67mk wrote

Yes. Where all premises lead to the conclusion and logically follow, and the entire argument is logically sound. It's a simple requirement. People have been trying for 2,000 years now. Perhaps read a book?


Sentry333 t1_j6b6lly wrote

Well now you’re just obviously a troll. Good one. Got me


No_Maintenance_569 OP t1_j6b6snb wrote

Why did Descartes even make the argument, "I think, therefore, I am" in the first place? You should begin your reading there....


Sentry333 t1_j6b8uh6 wrote

Why do you keep trying to shift the goal posts to Descartes?

When I pointed out that your argument is not sound and is not valid (you do know the difference between the two right?) you said, and I’ll quote you “I'm not trying to prove that God exists….Does it actually prove God exists? No”

But now, you claim that you are the first to write an argument concluding that god exists; an argument you claim is valid and sound. Do you understand, that if you wrote an argument that was valid and sound, and concluded that god exists, then you would have proven that god exists, which you’re claiming you’re not attempting to do?

Which is all beside the point because you haven’t even shown the validity of your argument, let alone it’s soundness.

Do you realize that there are already a few hundred arguments for god? They’ve been around for well more than 2,000 years.

Here’s a beginner’s list.

They ALL conclude god exists. You are nowhere near the first.


No_Maintenance_569 OP t1_j6b9bpd wrote

I'm going to spell this out to you one time, then I am done.

"God is, as a conceptual matter (that is, as a matter of definition) an unlimited being. The existence of an unlimited being is either logically necessary or logically impossible. The existence of an unlimited being is not logically impossible. Therefore, the existence of God is logically necessary."

You yourself admit why you don't understand why people keep trying to make the argument. So let me point it out to you. See the highlighted sentence? One of those things is true, one is false. If a logical proof can be made that proves the existence of God, it proves one true.

No shit there have been attempts. Many.. We still ask the question. Because no one can make the proof. I have given it to you. And you want to argue over this bullshit.


Sentry333 t1_j6baxju wrote

“And you want to argue over this bullshit” at least you admit your argument is bullshit.

First, your highlighted section is a false dichotomy. Second, it’s merely an assertion.

But that doesn’t really matter because your argument never even comes close to proving god, which you admitted.

When did I ever say I “don’t understand why people keep making this argument?” I explained to you that I don’t believe in god because every argument I’ve examined has either been invalid or unsound, like yours.

But indeed, I’m glad you’re done.


No_Maintenance_569 OP t1_j6bb5eo wrote

>First, your highlighted section is a false dichotomy. Second, it’s merely an assertion.

I didn't make the argument, bro. Go argue with Aristotle if you disagree with that one...Good luck!


Sentry333 t1_j6bcbkb wrote

Cool story, bro.


No_Maintenance_569 OP t1_j6bcu2g wrote

The kritik portion of my argument is really an argument against human hubris. My argument in my proof is only logically sound because of human ego. If it didn't exist, then my proof would be false. I admit all day, I am guilty of it too. At least I have the ability to check it at the door a bit and ask a few questions before diving ass first into something though. That seems to be a problem that society will never solve.


Sentry333 t1_j6bd62t wrote

Yeah, you totally checked your ego at the door when you claimed you earned the Nobel with your blog post 🤣🤣🤣

“AI do logic good…therefore unlimited being exists…QED” give this man the Nobel folks! 🤣


Adorable-Tank4891 t1_j6l79z3 wrote

"God is, as a conceptual matter (that is, as a matter of definition) an unlimited being"

Unlimited of what? Of bullshit? If the A.I. being trained with a bunch of bad data, it will quickly become obsolete bs tho.

Logic is just a tool human use to fathom things. There are things before humanity. How can we fathom/record/decribe it? Lol, we are so limited.

E.g: There are events, and things happen that cannot be prove by logic. Such as accidents. You can "try" to convince ppl such an event happened, but it cannot be proven true (if there are no evident recorded) >Conclusion, logic is not tool to prove everything, so it is limited and "IS NOT unlimited". Including the question "does God exist?", logic cannot prove existances.

Logic is just a tool to convince ppl things true or false...which is an (dis)agreement from 2 (or more) ppl.

Your A.I god is bs. It just a tool mate, no more no less. God the creator, is good, and unlimited good. He can't denied himself (meaning he cannot changing, look up this in the bible and u will see). An unlimited evil is imposible, because God doesn't allow it to be so.