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ApiContraption t1_j7jxnoe wrote

Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.

I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.

Check out the /r/photoshopbattles "Best of 2020" Results!

Other subreddits for 'shoppers: /r/cutouts, /r/battleshops

^Posting ^a ^cutout? ^Please ^read ^this.

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0011110000110011 t1_j7nb57t wrote

How does this post have 11.6k upvotes but the top comment only has 126 upvotes?

Are there really people who browse this subreddit without going to the comments? What'd be the point of that?


HereWhitMyBike t1_j7ncbxf wrote

They probably think its animal subreddit. There is only cats,dogs,birts etc..


Gilthoniel_Elbereth t1_j7nuke5 wrote

Honestly sometimes I just like the fun or unique pics with a clear subject people post


saichampa t1_j7mwxcg wrote

At least it's not just dyed for a gender reveal. I really love the iridescence of it


morcille t1_j7k3ol8 wrote

What are we supposed to do with this picture?


jerseybert t1_j7k53vq wrote

It is posted in the subreddit photoshop battle. Figure it out.


morcille t1_j7k957c wrote

I am aware of that. What I'm implying is that the photo isn't particularly interesting for this.


panspal t1_j7l1uzx wrote

Frankly someone should talk to OP about where to post normal ass bird pictures. Shit like this makes people scroll past the sub.


No-Investigator-1754 t1_j7l661j wrote

It actually made me come here. I thought "how could anyone photoshop that into something interesting/funny/unique" so I clicked to see what people came up with.