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artunitinc t1_j8ishmb wrote


I-miss-shadows t1_j8m2lce wrote

Was this to restore it to how it looked before? If so, it's missing the empty beer crate. Feel like it was an important part of the story. If not, please totally ignore this comment.


Interestofconflict t1_j8kyahl wrote

An eli5 now that this is fixed would be nice. Y’know, for the r/outoftheloop folks and what not.


sumthinknew t1_j8l1qzj wrote

The context is in the title, right?


Interestofconflict t1_j8l2gwf wrote

Thought there might be an underlying explanation for who she represents/is and same for him? Political or social statement, etc


imadethisf0rporn t1_j8l3sy1 wrote

It's art bro, who does it represent to you?


Half-Naked_Cowboy t1_j8lay91 wrote

To me, the work explores the relationship between the tyranny of ageing and emotional memories. With influences as diverse as Kierkegaard and Frida Kahlo, new synergies are manufactured from both constructed and discovered dialogues.


getspun97 t1_j8lgzin wrote

Well put. I totally agree. And definitely not because I don't understand what you said want to seem smart too!


Glorious-gnoo t1_j8lzsew wrote

Social statement about violence against women. You can see she has a swollen eye and missing teeth. And given the clothing is very 1950s, there were not many options for battered women back then.


A_useless_name t1_j8l22bs wrote

I think it’s just supposed to be a woman dumping a guys dead body in a freezer


BurntRussianBBQ t1_j8laqgq wrote

The woman has signs of abuse in her face. Could be her dumping an abusive husband. That's what I get at least.


retterwoq t1_j8lqvo9 wrote

She’s dressed like a 1950s housewife metaphorically ‘cleaning up’ and getting rid of the man, it represents the women’s rights movement and is mocking the archaic family dynamics of the past.


sdforbda t1_j8lxc3o wrote

I only glanced at the first time that I saw it, didn't even notice that, thanks for pointing it out.


puffpuffcutie t1_j8la9v2 wrote

I'm assuming the fridge (that the title says was there previously) is now photoshopped(stock model of some kind) in with the backside of the fridge (that grid is all the coolant tubes or something, most fridges have them on the back but others on the bottom) facing outwards to give a more 'accurate' appearance of the dead feet coming out of the freezer

*Edit to add: 'who' she is; the perfect image of the "long-suffering" home-maid house wife in kitchen uniform, or etc from days past. Msg ig: 'she cleans up' even a body lol


mrgonzalez t1_j8le9a4 wrote

The photoshop is the fridge and chair that were in the piece before being removed. Was photograped from a different angle of course.


taspleb t1_j8lcshg wrote

If you flipped this horizontally it would line up with the wall better?


wiceo t1_j8jdexm wrote


StoppedListeningToMe t1_j8jike1 wrote

This piece, called crocodile tears, is a social commentary on the filthiness of corporate culture being eradicated by strong working class citizens - asking price £35m


TheUlfheddin t1_j8k0jnt wrote

"If you've never worked a single day in your life besides getting fired from a fast food restaurant for spitting on your very first burger, then congratulations you've contributed more to society than an art critic." - Daniel Sloss (paraphrased)


dystopika t1_j8jxi6q wrote


ghostmaster645 t1_j8kcazk wrote

My God you people are wizards.


ywBBxNqW t1_j8m16lm wrote

If you look through dystopika's history you'll see they always do animated stuff. They are one of my favorites in this subreddit.


Axj1 t1_j8l11r9 wrote

Banksy, is that you?? Ha, ha! I joke.


AMC_Unlimited t1_j8lirgu wrote

We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.


MyriddianEmryst t1_j8p7ywb wrote

Wasn't this "photoshop" battle? 💀 Bro did a whole animation and shit, that's craazzyyyy, this one is the winner for me


xprmntng t1_j8iwpx3 wrote


felinebeeline t1_j8j509g wrote

"A proper councilworthy piece, if I do say so myself." - the council, probably


trwwy321 t1_j8j7hgm wrote

“Ah but where’s the tea?” -the council


felinebeeline t1_j8j7o9i wrote

I was literally in the middle of writing a comment about tea when you posted this comment. 👀


usernameinmail t1_j8jjcl0 wrote

You have no authority here - J̶a̶c̶k̶i̶e̶ ̶W̶e̶a̶v̶e̶r̶'̶s̶ Banksy's arch nemesis


ImpossibleLaw552 t1_j8mc1rp wrote

Hitting a ping-pong ball back and better believe that's a paddlin'.


mechabeast t1_j8k2qpv wrote


crew_dog t1_j8kftms wrote

I was hoping someone was going to redo Fargo and swap the woman around and put the feet in a wood chipper, but this'll work just fine.


ImpossibleLaw552 t1_j8mc61n wrote

> I was hoping someone was going to redo Fargo and swap the woman around and put the feet in a wood chipper

Found Richard Crafts!


Mepsipax1 t1_j8jwdy6 wrote


Edit - Fixed link for rules


MisterViperfish t1_j8m0lg8 wrote

Now we need a Shoop Da Whoop


mully_and_sculder t1_j8kcuol wrote


C0USC0US t1_j8l9zqq wrote

I like this potentially realistic solution.


Onetrillionpounds t1_j8lz6ri wrote

The council plan to replace the freezer when it's made safe. Who's going to report them for fly tipping?


Rhesusmonkeydave t1_j8jadqv wrote

I’m between copies of photoshop at the moment so enjoy my iPhone Markup Battle entry


[deleted] t1_j8ijkj8 wrote



ApiContraption t1_j8ijkkk wrote

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frank_da_tank99 t1_j8kinjk wrote

Honestly I like this, I feel like with Banksy as famous as he is it kind of ruins the point of his art when cities realize they have a Banksy and bend over backwards to preserve it and kiss his ass. Not giving a shit and "ruining" the art by throwing away the fridge almost seems more anti authoritarian and pro his message at this point.


ambulance-kun t1_j8kl17i wrote

"Ruined? Can't you SEE?? Taking out the fridge means after the girl hides the body, she masterfully disposed of it without lifting a finger! But the remaining legs signify that there are no perfect crimes. 18 MILLION DOLLARS STARTING BID!"

-auctioneers probably


Rac23 t1_j8lklnv wrote

I read the council may actually be returning the fridge… after “making it safe”


SanguinePar t1_j8mc96p wrote

To be fair to them, kids can die inside those things if they climb inside and get trapped. So, as long as they do actually return it afterwards, I think it's fair enough.


kafka123 t1_j8j67m0 wrote

It doesn't look ruined to me, it looks like the housewife managed to paint out her husband.


bella_68 t1_j8kj7n2 wrote

Idk why all the downvotes. I was thinking the same thing. I actually didn’t realize it was “ruined” at first. I thought it was an image of a woman scrubbing a wall clean of the graffiti that made up her husband. If I owned photoshop, I would add a Mr. Clean magic eraser to her hand


BlorseTheHorse t1_j8jb5sz wrote

to be fair, the freezer was some garbage on the street so it was going to get thrown out sooner or later. I don't get the big deal behind Banksy anyway. It's cool art, but at the end of the day it's just art and nothing else. something to look at that's supposed to say something about society.


VoilaVoilaWashington t1_j8jf4y7 wrote

I agree with you in principle, but it seems that this thing had been there for months, and then the moment Banksy painted around it, they removed it.

So this is actually an interesting commentary, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was deliberate - the story isn't "Banksy painted a thing around garbage" and no one gives a shit, it's "CITY COUNCIL IGNORES PROBLEM AND THEN SUDDENLY THROWS OUT ART ZOMG!!!"


eastkent OP t1_j8jkzrg wrote

Apparently the council took it away to 'make it safe', then they're going to put it back!


VoilaVoilaWashington t1_j8jmffr wrote

Again, I think it's all staged - Banksy probably had people report it as unsafe or recruited a city worker, outrage ensues, and now it's going to be put back and the art will be displayed in all its glory.


Krynn71 t1_j8k870k wrote

Artwork has been used to draw attention to unsafe things for a long time. He probably painted it and it just made it more obvious and shameful for the city council to ignore. Like how this guy (nicknamed Wanksy) got pot holes fixed by painting dicks on them.


PM_ME_SEXIST_OPINION t1_j8krlpk wrote

Hahahahaha "Wanksy"

I'd heard of the action before but the name absolutely tickles me


koos_die_doos t1_j8jsvhd wrote

It’s Banksy, it doesn’t need outrage.


VoilaVoilaWashington t1_j8jtqxi wrote

I don't know about you, but I've heard of 2 Banksy pieces in the last few years - the one that was shredded and this one.

A random piece painted on a building doesn't make headlines. This did, even if briefly.


ShopliftingSobriety t1_j8kygsz wrote

All of his recent works have been headlines on all the UK apps. So yeah, random building painting does - if you're Banksy.

He also recently did pieces in Ukraine that got a ton of international coverage. He definitely doesn't need anything for publicity.


cadex t1_j8kcrxu wrote

I can tell you that is not the case. But I'm sure my acquaintance who works for TDC will get a giggle from this theory.


frogjg2003 t1_j8jgxvo wrote

It was almost certainly Banksy's intention to point out the freezer. If nothing happens, then there's art. If it gets thrown out, then it's a different kind of art. That's really on brand for him. Of anything, this is more of a Banksy now than when he originally painted it.


Easilycrazyhat t1_j8jzfis wrote

>If it gets thrown out, then it's a different kind of art.

This is the bit so many people miss. A creator like Banksy 100% puts their art in these situations purposefully. It can't be "ruined" or "broken". The story is the art.


InterstellerReptile t1_j8jjs0l wrote

Modern art is 99% story. Banksy doesn't create art, he created a mysterious persona that puts random graffiti on places with a bit of social commentary and manages to keep his identity a secret. Rich people don't just want something that looks nice, they want the story behind the piece so that can talk/brag about it to their rich friends.


drunktriviaguy t1_j8k6qxp wrote

If modern art is 99% story and Banksey's paintings/sculptures sell because 99% of what is interesting about them is their story, how is it that Banksey does not create art?


vanilla_wafer14 t1_j8lcs00 wrote

Yeah I get what they are saying but Banksey defiantly creates art since the story is the art.

Also a great way to get junk removed.


-Gnome_Man- t1_j8k2mgs wrote

Overrated stencil trash. People act like his "art" is some sacred thing that should never perish.


vanilla_wafer14 t1_j8lcyhc wrote

I mean I love the art but the point of it in this case was to either get the junk removed or to make a joke at the expense of the city for not removing it