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PersistentHero t1_j8nfu9e wrote

I haven't seen one story yet except what's on here. I don't watch TV much,not my state not my problem is how it usually goes with news.


heshKesh t1_j8nhf1e wrote

Do you actually seek news or just expect it to pop in front of your eyes?


mtflyer05 t1_j8nqzm8 wrote

I mean, that's half of the problem, I think. People only get the news that they look for, particularly, and most individuals are incentivized to only look for things that inherently agree with their current perspective


PersistentHero t1_j8obgfd wrote

Yeah if it's important I'll eventually hear of it and like most things it doesn't effect me so w/e. It's not about not caring or not feeling bad. But 99% of issues in the world haven't effected my on a personal or financial level yet I make enough to pay my bills eat n go out with friends so I just let those that feel they need to care take care of it like when they donate to charity.


Kamtre t1_j8o9guc wrote

Tbf I heard a radio news article on this yesterday on my drive home so like.. that's pretty MSM. Not like I read newspapers so idk whether it's in those or not.