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JacobyN7 t1_j9fo763 wrote


J_Rath_905 OP t1_j9her52 wrote

Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala


Headygoombah t1_j9fzbvy wrote

"Claire! Put it outside!" *(has a nervous breakdown crying) "Put it outside!!!!!!!"


badlyknitbrain t1_j9g7e9z wrote

The sloth already looked kind of photoshopped in the original pic and this somehow feels like something more real


beatbonks t1_j9hd7ne wrote


J_Rath_905 OP t1_j9hff6c wrote

By the time he climbed the stool, it was the encore song.


beatbonks t1_j9hieze wrote

Well worth the climb though, I'm sure


J_Rath_905 OP t1_j9k7v3h wrote

For sure, the sax was his motivation. He climbed to the beat with the soul of the melody giving him strength.


J_Rath_905 OP t1_j9he58t wrote


J_Rath_905 OP t1_j9hen0t wrote

I did this while walking my dog in freezing temp so cutout may not be great.

Also, thanks to the OOP that posted this pic.

My title was originally

PsBattle: The Sloth that u/mygodletmechoose found and gave to the animal police.

But automod didn't like it for some reason. So had to wait to comment since top level have to be Shops.


[deleted] t1_j9duzev wrote



ApiContraption t1_j9duzg0 wrote

Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.

I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.

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PM_ME_YOUR_SAD_ROBOT t1_j9e56da wrote

why does the animal control guy wear a bulletproof vest? what animals out there have guns?


AnnihilationOrchid t1_j9f20lt wrote

Poachers, they carry guns and often get into conflict with animal control/protection, in some places.

Edit: Just confirmed, someone else said that he's from Brazil (flag of Amazonas State, the IBAMA has a really hard time because they also are environmental police, and the Amazon is full of dangerous people (thousands of times worse than any animal threat).


EarlGreyTea-Hawt t1_j9fjrua wrote

He posted a pic of the sloth napping in his grandpa's personal gym on Awwww, the pic here is his update photo he put in the comments after he called the environmental police to place the little fellow in a green reserve. All and all a very cute post with some interesting info on the environmental police in the threads.


J_Rath_905 OP t1_j9hfs0y wrote

Thanks for the info on the follow up gonna have to check it out.


deadmosco t1_j9ez7ad wrote

I'm not sure, but by his name (Henrique) and flag on the shoulder, I think it's from the Brazilian state of Amazonas. The Amazon Forrest from that state has recently been occupied by drug dealers, illegal miners, illegal fishers and hunters, illegal loggers, etc, which are usually heavily armed.


stipo42 t1_j9ftrb3 wrote

Why is there a pipe bomb sitting there


uwillnotgotospace t1_j9g1cvq wrote

Either sloths are much more aggressive than I thought, or that's a partial picture of a catch pole.


Mestewart3 t1_j9ebmxc wrote

I mean, sloths for one. This guy lost two squad mates on this bust! Have a little compassion!


RelativisticTowel t1_j9gqjuy wrote

He's not animal control, he's environmental police. They get shot at all the time raiding illegal logging and mining operations. They don't usually handle animals unless it's a raid on traffickers, they definitely aren't the ones showing up because you found a snake in your backyard.


Envenger t1_j9elm2m wrote

Sloths could scratch, they have huge nails.


Noirsnow t1_j9e6buv wrote

Ikr overdressed for the profession


No-Refrigerator5695 t1_j9fybf1 wrote

Dude is kitted up like a special operations commando


mantisboxer t1_j9gcf7g wrote

Considering that the job involves stalking and arresting poachers, it makes sense


Nofxthepirate t1_j9g61v2 wrote

I have no Photoshop skills but someone needs to put that sloth on a disco dance floor!


Vroomped t1_j9gmlpt wrote

This is the war on drugs in one picture.


GranPatranha t1_j9h4ic4 wrote

Could we have sloth holding animal control officer that got lost #pleeeease?