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Geo-NS t1_jdya6gj wrote


Klin24 t1_jdxnpqz wrote


CorgiNice2745 t1_jdzf4c4 wrote

Reminds me of the album cover for “Things Fall Apart” by The Roots.


Daniel_Eaves t1_jdxueig wrote


jamiemm t1_jdz6ewy wrote

Now I want a buddy cop Miami vice/psych type show where the two kids in front make those faces at each other when someone they’re questioning is lying to them


popeboy t1_je0d225 wrote

This is what I came for. If no one had put in the OG skeptical third world child, I would have been disappointed.


JBMacGill t1_jdywcds wrote


[deleted] t1_jdz2rdy wrote



RedCaio t1_jdz3gmi wrote

I think they were just trying to make it easier to click to see the image.


[deleted] t1_jdz3nsv wrote



RedCaio t1_jdz3xdn wrote

Not on mobile at least (I use the Apollo app for Reddit). Your link pops up asking you to download the Dropbox app first.


Daniel_Eaves t1_jdz41f5 wrote

Ok, my bad. Lesson learned. Thanks RedCaio for being a human being and taking the time to explain what I did wrong. On my laptop it opens just as easy in dropbox.


[deleted] t1_jdxn6yt wrote



ApiContraption t1_jdxn6zz wrote

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supagirl277 t1_jdz2zm0 wrote

This has got to be a kid rethinking that Mormon wedding stuff, cause that’s a temple in the background, I’m 80% sure


ElfHaze t1_je2a8o9 wrote

I JUST came home from work and saw a pantless man bent over FULL coinpurse swingin in the Canadian wind….. this was my face.


[deleted] t1_jdxnqqh wrote



ApiContraption t1_jdxnqrr wrote

Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.

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Check out the /r/photoshopbattles "Best of 2020" Results!

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