Submitted by R32fan t3_y48wv6 in photoshopbattles
HopelessCineromantic t1_isda4e0 wrote
I was thinking Black Manta, myself.
Labotomyy t1_isdpy8g wrote
Glad it wasn’t just me lol.
TRUMPKIN_KING t1_isfoq2r wrote
I was gonna say why is the car about to kill Aquaman
DDAWGG747 t1_ish8m3i wrote
Heyyyy. Theres a lot of us
RVA804guys t1_isdjkqp wrote
Ahhhh good job! I did the same.
katerbilla t1_isdfrp9 wrote
Just hilarious!
Jtheriot33 t1_isfc9r3 wrote
I was thinking Man Ray from Spongebob lol
[deleted] t1_isd999n wrote
[deleted] t1_isfz3f9 wrote
HuckleberryWaffle t1_isd50is wrote
neuroticmuffins t1_ise34n1 wrote
Snule t1_isegsxf wrote
Cigars are evil, you won't miss 'em, we've got ways to simulate that smell
ASkeetskeetskeet t1_isdfr8o wrote
Wow this is good
PoiLethe t1_isg3fxu wrote
Don't know if Robot devil or Impala.
SurgeonMyles t1_isg991y wrote
This deserves a lot more credit.
SilentMase t1_isdnybg wrote
WeirdoChicken t1_isdpzmh wrote
This is what i came here for.... my first thought was somebody please do Johnny-5...
mw9676 t1_isell48 wrote
Well howdy parrrrdner
Flag-it t1_isf3up4 wrote
ALIVE!!!! God damn I’m so glad you made this reference.
FlamingButterfly t1_isfr1lj wrote
Your momma was a snowblower
kabooseknuckle t1_ishbwky wrote
Johnny 5 is alive.
[deleted] t1_isedojp wrote
SchrodingersNutsack t1_isd873e wrote
Sk8erBoi95 t1_isd8ruf wrote
My thought process:
clicks this is dumb
goes back to home page
Goddammit no I'm dumb
goes back to upvote
fieldhockey44 t1_isezsec wrote
I don’t get it… help?
80percentrule t1_isf0pk1 wrote
Car is having a 69 and 69 is implied as the year is my guess.
I was equally 'not certain'
jasonjackson8706 t1_iser2ac wrote
I only went back and looked again because of this post. LOL
Re_Captcha t1_ise4iq3 wrote
Lol. The license plates. Nice touch.
beefqueen92 t1_isndh3i wrote
I'm not the only who flipped my phone to read the plates. I can go to bed tonight knowing I'm not alone.
[deleted] t1_isdobee wrote
[deleted] t1_isfdmbh wrote
slient_mosquito t1_isechbw wrote
The_I_Scream_Man t1_ised7d1 wrote
You know, I actually don’t hate this
BoredCatalan t1_isewyw9 wrote
Yeah, if it was properly made it would actually look great
Lucid-Design t1_isg55g3 wrote
Right now it looks like a Bugatti with a big fat square ass
qpqpdbdbqpqp t1_isfgqiw wrote
so, a chimpala?
redzilla500 t1_isg9hyv wrote
An Impiron, if you will
Domen81 t1_ised4m2 wrote
looks sick! maybe even better without the spoiler
slient_mosquito t1_isid1mw wrote
Dolomight206 t1_isf1rhf wrote
You watched that episode on YouTube too?
Flag-it t1_isf3wk9 wrote
Idk why your brain went there but it was pleasant to see.
LetMeBe_Frank t1_isfiz3v wrote
Taking a page from McLaren, we present the Bugatti Scowltail
Sumpfkind t1_isftliq wrote
That's kinda dope tho
xeonicus t1_isdg11q wrote
Affectionate_Room_38 t1_isdqwu0 wrote The less common 6x6 Big Trunk edition
MyPokemonRedName t1_isebenz wrote
Acomadates extra wide loads
Joiion t1_isek7ir wrote
Could fit a lot of bodies groceries in there
Flag-it t1_isf3zu1 wrote
It’s called the mastodon or something hyper aggressive.
Regolith_Prospektor t1_isftayy wrote
Baby got back.
rickny0 t1_isf634l wrote
kRe4ture t1_isflkag wrote
Super quickly done.
Regolith_Prospektor t1_isftdzh wrote
Lol this is awesome!
[deleted] t1_isfz06r wrote
therightmustard t1_isgcahh wrote
AutoModerator t1_iscspki wrote
Our 'Best of 2021' results are now live!
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[deleted] t1_iscsyt7 wrote
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ApiContraption t1_isct71y wrote
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sonic10158 t1_isdozvz wrote
Looks like Aquaman’s arch nemesis
Brugelbach t1_isdu93j wrote
As a Olsenbande fan I love that fucking car.
tucci007 t1_isdy6o5 wrote
Vlad the Impala
ratrodder49 t1_isgetnu wrote
No joke, friend of mine had a red one of these that he called Vlad lol
blackvr t1_isennay wrote
God damn! Those rear tires.
dscottj t1_iseugcx wrote
It's the suspicious stoned vampire car!
-Bk7 t1_isdjpbo wrote
Looks like a bug
[deleted] t1_isd3f3s wrote
Robotguy39 t1_isei5zp wrote
Legion of Doom headquarters
snap-erection t1_isei9by wrote
The Brak!
VoidExileR t1_isf1ifd wrote
Car looks pissed, what did you do!?
The_iron_mill t1_isfuhv0 wrote
Reminds me of Man Ray in the “so this is your wallet!” meme.
[deleted] t1_iscxrpt wrote
[deleted] t1_isczvwu wrote
[deleted] t1_isdandq wrote
[deleted] t1_isdap1t wrote
[deleted] t1_isdbz8r wrote
[deleted] t1_isdful2 wrote
[deleted] t1_isdhmwl wrote
[deleted] t1_isdjt17 wrote
[deleted] t1_isdkcge wrote
[deleted] t1_isdl52y wrote
[deleted] t1_isdm1yx wrote
[deleted] t1_isdmcof wrote
[deleted] t1_isdmdyc wrote
[deleted] t1_isdpyk7 wrote
[deleted] t1_isdq1q9 wrote
[deleted] t1_isdq217 wrote
[deleted] t1_isdqg4m wrote
[deleted] t1_isdqsqi wrote
[deleted] t1_isdt66a wrote
[deleted] t1_isdvdvl wrote
[deleted] t1_isdyczd wrote
[deleted] t1_ise04od wrote
[deleted] t1_ise0tl9 wrote
[deleted] t1_ise0uxq wrote
[deleted] t1_ise8fl5 wrote
[deleted] t1_iseacv4 wrote
[deleted] t1_isec9vs wrote
[deleted] t1_isednvi wrote
[deleted] t1_isedyiw wrote
[deleted] t1_iseguso wrote
[deleted] t1_iselph3 wrote
[deleted] t1_iseqbw2 wrote
[deleted] t1_iserysj wrote
[deleted] t1_isetsgd wrote
[deleted] t1_isexc4y wrote
[deleted] t1_isf1bic wrote
[deleted] t1_isfa8qm wrote
[deleted] t1_isfb39i wrote
[deleted] t1_isfi5cg wrote
[deleted] t1_isfknmy wrote
[deleted] t1_isfl6wu wrote
[deleted] t1_isfnwgd wrote
[deleted] t1_isfshf7 wrote
[deleted] t1_isft1bd wrote
[deleted] t1_isftbrb wrote
[deleted] t1_isfxqbu wrote
[deleted] t1_isg11sb wrote
[deleted] t1_isg161f wrote
[deleted] t1_isg4vod wrote
[deleted] t1_isg7j7d wrote
[deleted] t1_isg9vx7 wrote
[deleted] t1_isgd69k wrote
[deleted] t1_isnpxne wrote
[deleted] t1_isodmvr wrote
[deleted] t1_ise9ilv wrote
Geo-NS t1_isd84zr wrote
Darth Impala