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ApiContraption t1_iu178m4 wrote

Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.

I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.

Check out the /r/photoshopbattles "Best of 2020" Results!

Other subreddits for 'shoppers: /r/cutouts, /r/battleshops

^Posting ^a ^cutout? ^Please ^read ^this.

^(Helpful links for this image:) ^Other ^Discussions ^| ^KarmaDecay ^| ^Google ^Image ^Search

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Frisky_Picker t1_iu1kmtf wrote

There is always a deleted comment with this reply attached almost immediately after a post is made.

I've always wondered if there are just an infinite amount of people who don't know the rules of the sub? Or is there a comment posted automatically which gets deleted just so that this PSA can be posted?


Pocok5 t1_iu1maj8 wrote

How about you read the bot post in its entirely?


Frisky_Picker t1_iu1nb4c wrote

Shit. I've read it many time but for some reason I've always read it as "removed the first comment" instead of "removed my first comment".


I_think_Im_hollow t1_iu2hmil wrote


Damn, there must be a teaching hidden in this... something about why old people stop learning stuff but Idk


Spndash64 t1_iu2jixg wrote

This thing is straight up a Banjo Kazooie enemy


QuantumForce7 t1_iu3jumn wrote

Is it budding or is this how they normally look? Its weird seeing an anemone with two mouths! Does it have two stomachs too?