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ApiContraption t1_it04kse wrote

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Miserable-Chair-7004 t1_it26mft wrote

I'm not a ps guy, but I came in here expecting to see someone wearing a pair of rodent high heels, and now I'm disappointed.


ManikShamanik t1_it3095u wrote

Can we stop calling it a 'rodent'...? It's a hamster, a dwarf Russian hamster. Campbell's Dwarf Hamster known as a species of Russian hamster, even though the first specimen was found in Mongolia.

I mean it is a rodent, obviously, but I'm just surprised that more people don't know what a dwarf hamster looks like, they're not unusual as pets.


Mindless-Balance-498 t1_it3f9kn wrote

I upvoted you because I weirdly agree? Why are we going out of our way to be reductive about a damn hamster? Just call it what it is, I know y’all have seen the most common pet hamster breed on the planet, I know you’ve been to a Petco.


tedshif t1_it4g10g wrote

Now we know the natural food of all the cats on r/catsareliquid !