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Travelgoats t1_iv3wm81 wrote

Reply to comment by Buwaro in PsBattle: Halloween Costume by OCDGaming

We had a friend whose father always had mining equipment around. That included many bottles of mercury. One of our friends, who seems slow, always poured some in his hand and played with it.


Buwaro t1_iv42s7c wrote

My grandma had a baby food jar of it in the basement. As long as you didn't have any cuts and your hands were clean, you could play with it.

Make sure you wash your hands when you're done!

Seriously, how am I alive in my mid 30s?


getspun97 t1_iv491dt wrote

The authority figures in your life gave you just enough info to survive this long lol


Buwaro t1_iv49h7z wrote

Don't worry, I'm doing a terrible job of it.


getspun97 t1_iv49ip1 wrote

Join the club, pal lol


Buwaro t1_iv49xx7 wrote

If there's a club, I'm in and you can't keep me out. We are best friends now. Where do we meet?


getspun97 t1_iv4a57x wrote

It's The Anti-Mercury Mercury Club and we meet at -38°C where the terminator can't get us


Buwaro t1_iv4b1cl wrote

Ok, I'll see you at my house in Michigan, some time in January


Travelgoats t1_iv49d6v wrote

There is no way he did not have cuts on his hands. We were all into racing motocross and rebuilding bikes and the crappy cars we drove. This was not the most dangerous thing we used to do. The fact nobody in our group died was amazing.


dudewithbrokenhand t1_iv63c6o wrote

Well, death is always imminent.

So, there is always time to play with mercury as an adult.