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[deleted] t1_iv58jij wrote



ApiContraption t1_iv58jj6 wrote

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BlackFathersMatter t1_iv5dccx wrote

Going to need proof of life on this one…


ThePantser t1_iv5ixda wrote

Yeah they look like they were just put down and somebody was having fun posing the bodies


TechGoat t1_iv5wqxl wrote

Now there's the reddit idiocy I needed on a Saturday morning. Right, some guy happened to have two freshly dead cats and posed them for lulz.

Look up Occam's Razor.


lyvanna t1_iv6wx87 wrote

They were probably neutered or had their teefies cleaned


KittyinaShoe t1_iv7aj21 wrote

Certainly possible, but cats also just sleep in strange positions sometimes.