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Lolleos t1_ivphehq wrote

All jokes aside, and pardon me going a bit off-topic, this strikes a cord on me as it reminds me of the horrible work safety ethics of the past where dogs would be taken on-site in construction companies without any care of their behavior which would, most obviously, turn erratic when you factor in heights, noise, and general hectic environment (pic included of actual on-site pic with poor extremely frightened dog), which led to many, many dogs falling from mid-build skyscrapers, to the point of actually making it to the news as there existed a risk of humans getting killed by one of these flying pooches, a happening that ended up being dubbed by the 30s media as the 'dogeorites' (dog + meteorite I guess? sounds dumb anyways).


Tha_NexT t1_ivpor45 wrote

Too high effort for reddit. You need the "/s" or most people will not get it.


DungeonsandDevils t1_ivpwjz1 wrote

I didn’t even question it, I was like “haha yeah seems about right, people take their dogs inappropriate places”