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[deleted] t1_ix6rvb4 wrote



ApiContraption t1_ix6rvc5 wrote

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C_Ya_Space_Cowboy t1_ix8186w wrote

I can’t be the only one who first saw some sort of hooded shadow assassin doing ‘one of those’ dodges, right?


Ihavebadreddit t1_ix8y49f wrote

I guess a wood dragon would be less useful with the whole "breathing fire"thing, than say a stone or bronze dragon.


ppumkin t1_ix7aqqm wrote

Why is this deleted


AnaBanona t1_ix8s63a wrote

From the comment you're replying to:

> Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.

>I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.


y0haN t1_ix7hgy9 wrote

The better ending to Game of Thrones.