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ApiContraption t1_ix7xo2k wrote

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Mr_SlimShady t1_ix8h0bg wrote

Wild guess, but I’m assuming this comment was about the wet spot. OP, tf were you doing with that pussy?


brownbeardgooner OP t1_ix8j9b5 wrote

Lol result of magic erasing my iPad out of the pic. Could have done with more magic


zempter t1_ix8xyvg wrote

Would have looked more normal to just blur the screen contents and keep the iPad border in the image. Definitely looks like a front sleeper leaked out their boobs everywhere.


theveryrealreal t1_ixaoxji wrote

Do boobs just leak like that?


lostvalkyrie t1_ixbb1cu wrote

Lol, no, not unless one has recently been pregnant, has a weird side effect from a prescription drug, or possibly has a health problem.


zempter t1_ixb00ec wrote

I can't say by experience since I don't have boobs, but boobs apparently do leak sometimes if they are geared up for producing milk.