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[deleted] t1_ixb1ppp wrote



ApiContraption t1_ixb1pqp wrote

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I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.

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Tewddit t1_ixbqxtr wrote

Your portal-opening days are over... hand over the Yamato.


Kentuza t1_ixctz0r wrote

If you want it, then you'll have to take it.

But you already knew that.


mrd_stuff t1_ixbil8w wrote

I saw one of these chairs at a used kids clothes shop for like $30 the other day and was confused why it was so expensive. I know why now!


doctorcrimson t1_ixefy4b wrote

I'm a little dissapointed nobody found a picture of a bunch of kids at preschool or something and sneakily inserted the gorilla into the crowd.


mbash013 t1_ixdgub2 wrote

Me stills at the kids table for thanksgiving at the age of 27.


Minibotas t1_ixc90ww wrote

That’s a sturdy chair to hold all that muscle!