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[deleted] t1_ixcyfhj wrote



ApiContraption t1_ixcyfiu wrote

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bahgheera t1_ixeygnw wrote

I thought this was a Pink Floyd album cover for a sec.


Guac__is__extra__ t1_ixf708i wrote

I thought it was a still shot from a video game


Allaun t1_ixgbprx wrote

I could totally see this being a mission in Payday 3.


DaMlgMasta2995 t1_ixf96h0 wrote

One of them needs a medic bag


WinderTP t1_ixh2xli wrote

The one on the right is clearly a Stoic


Astral_MarauderMJP t1_ixfl2qx wrote

I dont have any photoshop skills but I'm pretty sure this would would make a great PayDay 2 skin.


[deleted] t1_ixh7n1k wrote



have_you_eaten_yeti t1_ixhm3sf wrote

I think the protestors want them to set limits on dumping at sea and for things like fuel efficiency and better emissions filters. Ships are definitely the most efficient method for moving product, but they do pollute a lot and much of that is because of lack of regulation.