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AholeBrock t1_ixwhj1n wrote

But how is the goal "just surviving grizzly attacks" and not "causing grizzly attacks and surviving"? Like how many minutes does it take to put that suit on and what work can you feasibly do in it BESIDES provoke and survive a mauling?


cogdiss420 t1_ixwr6l9 wrote

The suit isn’t the product. He used the suit to test bear spray.


AholeBrock t1_ixwt14l wrote

What does the spray do that you can't test it without also using the suit? Like surely you can test if bears are repulsed by pepper spray without ever putting yourself in danger. It all just sounds like extra steps to justify picking a fight with a bear. It's not like bears are actively hunting us and you need to suit up to go do maintenance on infrastructure anywhere near the forest because they are so highly aggressive.


AholeBrock t1_ixwtswt wrote

Like, I'd just set up cameras watching a pile of the grizzlies favorite food. When the grizzlies approach the food they trigger a trap that sprays the surrounding area with spray. See if they are deterred or if they power through to the food.


bitenuker93 t1_ixxipgj wrote

If I was a grizzly and I smelt crap I'd just walk away. But if I wanted to maul a guy, he'd have to smell really really bad to not want to power through.


AholeBrock t1_ixxkn7s wrote

pepper spray to a bears nose is like getting kicked in the balls. They can smell for miles, and even further after the rain. it's a very sensitive organ. I've also lived in bear country most my life and in my head it is way easier to get a bear to back down from a confrontation than from a meal. At least that's what I've been taught. To always act loud and big and chase them away from town, but always turn the other way and leave if you come across them fishing.


CosmicCreeperz t1_ixwri9l wrote

So, provoking grizzlies and then temporarily blinding them. Sounds like a nice guy.
