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Zubhax t1_ixwh0pc wrote


willowsonthespot t1_iy0pzuh wrote

His color scheme is all wrong. If he is going to no wear a helmet at least he could used the Space Wolf color scheme. Mostly because they are all basically allergic to helmets.


BernItToAsh t1_ixw3xkg wrote


RJJJJJJJ710 t1_ixwajfj wrote


squirrelbeanie t1_ixws5w2 wrote

Jesus fucking… what is it supposed to even be?


spderweb t1_ixx4d6j wrote

If this is the guy from Northbay Ontario, he passed away a while back.


boomchacle t1_ixxaxds wrote

If he died of anything other than bear attack, I'd say he did a good job XD


spderweb t1_ixxlh30 wrote

Fair enough. He also invented a death ray, if I recall. It was basically an unprotected x-ray gun. I read mentions that you could see through objects with it, but that it would kill flowers, etc that you shot it with.


Sinfu1sunday5 t1_ixxusbq wrote

I've got a death ray too. Anyone i shoot with it will die within 1-120 years, no survivors!


KingofSkies t1_ixxwgy5 wrote

What the fuck? I honestly thought the helmet was a bad photoshop.


Angdrambor t1_iy8a9uh wrote

My guess would be that it sticks up like that as a kind of roll bar, to protect the neck. A helmet stops impacts or claws, but it doesn't stop the head from being twisted clean off.


zombtassadar t1_ixx0325 wrote

The whole thing surprisingly transforms/ unfolds out of the briefcase at the top, à la iron man.


[deleted] t1_ixvrd8u wrote



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sault18 t1_ixw5ygw wrote

Like this guy wants to FIGHT grizzlies or just survive an attempted mauling? If you want to fight grizzlies, idk if the spikes on the gloves are going to cut it. Maybe a good football helmet would work for the head or does that require another 8 iterations of development too?


lemelisk42 t1_ixwhhaf wrote

Designed to get mauled by bears, not fight em. He wanted to be able to test bear spray and do other research on them up close.

One of the largest problems with his earlier suits was that they were too intimidating - so he had a difficult time getting the bears to attack him. He filmed a movie with the mark VI, and went to the rockies, but failed to get mauled. He later arranged to get into a cage with a grizzly and a kodiak. Both refused to maul him.

And yeah, he had a helmet. One that was comically large in comparison to the suit.

Sadly he died in a car crash without ever managing to get mauled by a bear (atleast to my knowledge)


that_guy_called_god t1_ixx3nxx wrote

Should’ve made a “car crash proof suit”…

I’m aware I’m a jerk


lemelisk42 t1_ixxescz wrote

Actually, he tested the suits in part by having people drive into him while he was wearing it. He had a truck hit him at 50km/h a whole bunch of times in an early version. Sadly he wasn't wearing it at the time of the crash - but yes, It probably would have saved his life. It was tested for crashes.


DungeonsandDevils t1_ixxu2nm wrote

The bears made it look like a car crash, they couldn’t let him finish his research!

In all seriousness it sucks that accidents take so many cool people out of the world, cars claim many lives


Coffeedemon t1_ixwyt6l wrote

Wouldn't it be some grim irony if he died because he forgot a seatbelt or the airbag didn't deploy.


tucci007 t1_ixxy24d wrote

the reason he started making these suits was because he was mauled by a bear.

Troy Hurtibese, R.I.P. I have seen a doc or two about him and don't recall seeing any bear cage matches

they did a lot of crazy high speed/high force crash and smash tests though, with him inside the suit


lemelisk42 t1_ixy0cx8 wrote

The original bear attack was the inspiration. The cage matches were done after the documentary had been filmed


OtterProper t1_ixy582h wrote

After all that, and he merely died a grisly death?


Ryanp356 t1_ixwei9s wrote

Just survive apparently. I needed answers as well so i looked it up. Seemed like an interesting guy. Died in 2018 unfortunately. Dude had a bunch of crazy inventions and won an award for the bear suit. Search troy hurtubise if u want to know more. And the suit does include a helmet that looks just as wild. One of the replies to a comment has a link.


thethunder92 t1_ixwh2fh wrote

If the goal is to survive perhaps a steel cage on wheels would be better 🤷🏻‍♂️ or a tank, or just a car. What are the rules?


AholeBrock t1_ixwhj1n wrote

But how is the goal "just surviving grizzly attacks" and not "causing grizzly attacks and surviving"? Like how many minutes does it take to put that suit on and what work can you feasibly do in it BESIDES provoke and survive a mauling?


cogdiss420 t1_ixwr6l9 wrote

The suit isn’t the product. He used the suit to test bear spray.


AholeBrock t1_ixwt14l wrote

What does the spray do that you can't test it without also using the suit? Like surely you can test if bears are repulsed by pepper spray without ever putting yourself in danger. It all just sounds like extra steps to justify picking a fight with a bear. It's not like bears are actively hunting us and you need to suit up to go do maintenance on infrastructure anywhere near the forest because they are so highly aggressive.


AholeBrock t1_ixwtswt wrote

Like, I'd just set up cameras watching a pile of the grizzlies favorite food. When the grizzlies approach the food they trigger a trap that sprays the surrounding area with spray. See if they are deterred or if they power through to the food.


bitenuker93 t1_ixxipgj wrote

If I was a grizzly and I smelt crap I'd just walk away. But if I wanted to maul a guy, he'd have to smell really really bad to not want to power through.


AholeBrock t1_ixxkn7s wrote

pepper spray to a bears nose is like getting kicked in the balls. They can smell for miles, and even further after the rain. it's a very sensitive organ. I've also lived in bear country most my life and in my head it is way easier to get a bear to back down from a confrontation than from a meal. At least that's what I've been taught. To always act loud and big and chase them away from town, but always turn the other way and leave if you come across them fishing.


CosmicCreeperz t1_ixwri9l wrote

So, provoking grizzlies and then temporarily blinding them. Sounds like a nice guy.


Mindful-O-Melancholy t1_ixx4m4s wrote

What happened to Mark 1-7? I hope they’re alright, sure it’s a pretty common name, but at some point we’re going to start running out of guys named mark to feed to bears.


OtterProper t1_ixy5fjl wrote

Smart money's on 1-7 dying by grizzly, but I hear this #8 guy bought it in a car wreck. So, just plain grisly. 🤷🏼‍♂️


cptmcsexy t1_ixwlhi4 wrote

Simpsons did it.


tucci007 t1_ixxy6y1 wrote

Troy Hurtibese, R.I.P

Simpsons did a parody of him after he already had made news with his suits