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ApiContraption t1_j295v9p wrote

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Fernelz t1_j29hn0o wrote

Hey! I've got an uncle that works there!/s


xeonicus t1_j2a9tnt wrote

Early Nintendo has an interesting history. When Nintendo was originally founded, it made hand-crafted playing cards. They're quite beautiful and have a rich tradition. Read a little bit here.


Ondennik t1_j2bxtt8 wrote

I believe that Nintendo still makes playing cards, actually. Granted, it’s a very small part of their business, but it still exists.

On a similar note, when I went to the Nintendo store in New York City, I bought a friend of mine some playing cards, as a nod to that.


Krazie02 t1_j29kxhw wrote

Maybe an idea: Nintendo was into the love hotel business for a bit?


Grogosh t1_j29zfp6 wrote

You mean the seamstress guild where the ladies of negotiable affection are?