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Kills-to-Die t1_j2c0aj4 wrote

That's a rad link! Nintendo has been ahead of themselves in innovation for sure! Like R.O.B. and the Power Glove.


LouBerryManCakes t1_j2cbmf8 wrote

The Power Glove was made by Mattel. It was essentially a licensed 3rd party controller, which is why it was shitty.


Kills-to-Die t1_j2cc9p4 wrote

Ah, that's right! It really takes too much to use successfully. But I've seen some crazy videos. Like a guy that beat Punch Out with it and another guy beat... I think Contra 2 or Castlevania.


LouBerryManCakes t1_j2ccohi wrote

MitchFlowerPower and GrandPooBear have both beat Mario 3 with it, without warp whistles. It's on YouTube.


Kills-to-Die t1_j2cdf76 wrote

That's impressive. I usually cheat with the whistle on a normal controller, lol.