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[deleted] t1_j1dn4jl wrote



ApiContraption t1_j1dn4ko wrote

Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.

I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.

Check out the /r/photoshopbattles "Best of 2020" Results!

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daveberzack t1_j1e5u73 wrote

Can anybody please post an isolated transparent png? I'm not going to do this battle, I'm just wondering if that would even be possible.


Lki943 t1_j1ev9a2 wrote

Go to and drop in a copy of the image. It should generate eone for you


phayke2 t1_j1fkh9y wrote

That site is pretty awesome! Can make emoji stickers out of derpy pet pics


Nas160 t1_j1fylq7 wrote

Yeah I'm wondering how the fuck people cut this thing out


Milnoc t1_j1engzw wrote

I didn't know you could be charged with static electricity. Since when did this qualify as a criminal offense?