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bk15dcx t1_j9poo6r wrote

It took me a few seconds


DrewOz t1_j9poxdp wrote

So ummm, you said this was your first time?


amirali__ t1_j9q8wca wrote

My sky doesn't look like your's 🤨


CaptainPunisher t1_j9qgki5 wrote

Me, too. I was thinking that it was pointed down, or maybe a composite picture, as if someone tore out the center piece of a second pic and put it in the middle of another one. Finally, it hit me that were looking up from the bottom of a canyon. Jesus, I was perplexed!


Barrrrrrnd t1_j9qhwpr wrote

I stayed for a few days in capitol reef national park in Utah. It has one of the darkest skies in the country. It was absurd how many stars there were. I knew it would be a lot but I wasn’t really ready to feel like I could almost run my hands through them like sand, they were so many and seemed so close. It was pretty overwhelming and I want to go back so bad.


Kal-Kent t1_j9qj1cb wrote

I wonder how many stars is in this frame?


Graphics_Nerd t1_j9qlcfe wrote

I was probably 13-14, my parents took me on a houseboat vacation to lake Powell. The first night I went up to the top deck and nearly fell over I was so overwhelmed by how many stars were out. It’s truly truly stunning and it’s an absolute shame this isn’t how it looks everywhere.


UncleYo t1_j9qlg24 wrote

Glorious. I once watched a meteor shower atop a houseboat on Lake Powell in 1995. This beats it. Thank you for sharing


danner801 t1_j9qmp5x wrote

dont show everyone this! Shaq thinks we are boring! we are fine with that!


ALttN t1_j9qqqv9 wrote

looks like the opening cutscene of Myst!


Mister_Bishop t1_j9qs055 wrote

"I realized, the moment I fell into the fissure, that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned. It continued falling into that starry expanse of which I had only a fleeting glimpse. I have tried to speculate where it might have landed, but I must admit, however— such conjecture is futile. Still, the question of whose hands might someday hold my Myst book are unsettling to me. I know that my apprehensions might never be allayed, and so I close, realizing that perhaps, the ending has not yet been written."


HoosierRed t1_j9qwffr wrote

How the actual F did we get here, existing on this planet? Wild photo.


wilbeans t1_j9qyjtx wrote

Beautiful pic. I thought this was a brisket when i was scrolling by quickly. Think I should get something to eat lol.


rachevyguy t1_j9r9t3n wrote

This is why I wish they would shut off all the lights one night so everyone can just see how small we are. Also the mystery of ancient civilizations building In line with stars, they were staring at them for generations $


Any-Jury3578 t1_j9rg31k wrote

One of my favorite travel memories is Capitol Reef National Park to look at stars. It really does look like that with no moon. This shot is beautiful.


lost_raspberries74 t1_j9rg6sr wrote

The amount of vertigo I’m getting, but the view far outweighs the nausea


yoholife t1_j9rhyl9 wrote

What did you use to take the shot?


bench0d t1_j9s1dv8 wrote

Okay but how long was the shutter set for? One would be hard pressed to see this with the naked eye


normains t1_j9s6q6s wrote

I'm not in general an anxious person; seeing phots like this gets my heart going, but in the best way. Space is so fascinating and overwhelming, and trying to grasp the scale is what gets to me the most. Fantastic photo.


the_matador_64 t1_j9sdnf0 wrote

This is an awesome picture. What blows my mind is that up until a couple hundred years or so ago, this is what the night sky looked like everywhere.


Not-A-Throwaway-2day t1_j9ser6k wrote

I can see the stars Watson, what does it mean?
We're small and insignificant in this magnificent cosmos Holmes?
Yes, and that someone has stolen our tent.


FooBarJo t1_j9shha3 wrote

This came out pretty good. What type of camera?


Koltov t1_j9sj7ta wrote

This has to be edited, right? I went to Zion last month and stayed up late to see something like this. I couldn’t see anything remotely close to this with the naked eye.


bulboustadpole t1_j9svtho wrote

Just so people know most of these types of pics are not an actual single photo. They usually take a long exposure of the sky alone and then merge that into the pic of the background. This is because doing long exposures on stars in the sky will absolutely blow out anything that isn't the sky such as trees or in this case the canyon walls.


Joren67 t1_j9t3ig8 wrote

I'm wondering, living in a overly lightpoluted country as Belgium, can you really see this with the naked eye or is this just taken with high exposure?


Fnortherner t1_j9t6b8x wrote

Wow. It’s like you’re on a another planet. Beautiful.


rco8786 t1_j9tmtms wrote

When I see images like these it makes way more sense why pre-electricity humans thought there were gods up there.