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dz1087 OP t1_j8ueoex wrote

Reply to comment by whatdatsmelllike in Trump’s nutsack by dz1087

How so? I took the pic last Sunday.


whatdatsmelllike t1_j8uwzo8 wrote

Chasing that Trump hating Karma. That's how. Grow up


lennyflank t1_j8uxnxg wrote

DeSantis 2024 !!!!!!!! He's "Trump" with a brain !!!!!!!



dz1087 OP t1_j8wcblr wrote

Holy fuck, it’s a nutsack on a former President’s name on a beat up semi. If it were Obama or Clinton I Quitos have payed it as well as I would have been in even more awe about why. The fact that it’s Trump is just fitting.

Why are you people like this?


whatdatsmelllike t1_j8x9ysw wrote

You know that's not true. You would be down voted to oblivion. Grow up loser.


dz1087 OP t1_j8xkoix wrote

Pull your tongue out his asshole first.


whatdatsmelllike t1_j8xpk74 wrote

Whatever cool guy. You're just mad because you got called out. Enjoy your fake internet points.