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Rkozlow t1_j9kzxs3 wrote

You would think the supplier would see this and call the store to makes sure the order was correct.


GopherFawkes t1_j9l5l8m wrote

Supplier would rather get money for 80 boxes and let the store worry about the mistake


Rkozlow t1_j9l71ij wrote

The store could just not accept the delivery.


GopherFawkes t1_j9la5a4 wrote

They have already been charged for and was shipped all the way to the store which probably isn't cheap, no way are they taking it back without some sort of charge and that is if the supplier agrees to it otherwise there is a possibility they take it back and keep the charge on the books as they technically fulfilled their end of the deal, but it all depends on what the terms are for their contract. Case around that time was probably around $20, so probably around $1,500 mistake, if it happens often it would hurt them finically, but as a rare mistake, it's a drop in the bucket, it would be like the average person giving a cashier an extra $10 bill. A lot of these stores throw out and/or donate lots of food as is, half the food we produce in the US gets thrown out


Jigsaw8200 t1_j9mzzy9 wrote

If you have a good warehouse representative, they would. I'm a produce manager, and my rep would definitely call and question a quality that high(usually order 10 to 15 an order). Plus, our order guns have a quantity limit set to go off on anything over 10, so we don't mistakenly do this.


grievre t1_j9o288i wrote

As someone who worked in a food warehouse, this probably happened the first three times.