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upvoatsforall t1_ja5lxix wrote

I wish to caption this photo “White Powder”

Cuz it looks like the nazi salute.

Edit: you guys are fucking Nazis!


upvoatsforall t1_ja9ccwe wrote

Serious question: do you think the position of the person in the photo, somewhat resembles the nazi salute? Im not asking if he’s doing the nazi salute, just does it somewhat resemble the salute?


upvoatsforall t1_ja9qljo wrote

Ok. So let’s say that we draw a vertical plane that bisects a person so that if they clinched a sheet of cardboard between their but cheeks the vertices could be defined as a set of points within that plane. Assume their right arm is parallel to a horizontal plane. At what angle from that vertical plane we drew, does it stop resembling a Nazi salute. Assume zero degrees is full Nazi.

Edit: here’s Hitler. I guess he’s not saluting because his arm isn’t straight out in front of him.
