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MrWe1rdo t1_j8fn1rr wrote

"Oh no no officer, I found these and have proof, look at this Reddit post"


Nerdbond t1_j8j6ysd wrote

They will dump them instead of finishing the route, lots of videos on youtube


CodeMonkeyX t1_j8jk6yh wrote

How do they get away with it? I would assume most people would report this to amazon, then they just have to look up the tracking number and see instantly what driver dumped them.

Although that being said, I was just thinking how would I contact anyone at Amazon about this. It's become very hard to reach anyone useful there anymore. I guess a chatbot and try to convince it to let me speak to a human.


PristineSlate t1_j8lasa3 wrote

I mean, some areas packages get stolen fairly routinely. That being said.. eventually it would trace back to the same driver if they did it repeatedly


symm4try t1_j8jy0hc wrote

Yeah just this morning I had a dude dump a package at our house.. he’s not even in the right area. I looked at the street name and that neighborhood is 5 minutes away. We handed it back to him and he goes oh! -goes and puts it at our neighbor’s door- o well. Not our problem now


lilassbitchass t1_j8krdaa wrote

I work for another major delivery company and can confirm, drivers will slam on brakes to empty their van into ditches so they don’t have to deliver


therealsouthflorida t1_j8l4ah5 wrote

why even apply for the job in the first place at that point... the fuck?


lilassbitchass t1_j8l4zfy wrote

The same question can be asked for a lot of jobs tbh. I don’t know really what would lead someone to do that, just for the simple fact that you’re damaging packages and potentially fucking over people who maybe can’t get refunded for the stuff they ordered. One guy did it 2x and kept his job. Peak season is super stressful and the days are long but it’s never that deep. I actually really enjoy the work, I’m by myself all day long and can go to bathroom or stop to grab food and eat on my own time all paid. Some days have been rough but I just can’t imagine the headspace of someone who could do something like that


therealsouthflorida t1_j8l6y3f wrote

Im glad you enjoy it! They need to apply for something else and leave this job to the people who actually enjoy the work - or at least will perform their duties!