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pseudocultist t1_ja66gmd wrote

My god the panic in here is thick. Y'all know we as a species have been interacting with bats regularly for centuries, in our homes, and it's INCREDIBLY rare for something like this to happen right? I have a colony of little brown bats in my eaves. It's a 122-year-old house, that happens. And they're federally protected so I leave them be. About a half dozen times a year I have to escort one of the little guys out. My parents had the same ritual with their 100+ year old house. Etc. NBD. According to this thread I have rabies at least 50, 60 times over now, my pets are rabid, my house is rabid, the land itself is rabid. IDK what we'll all do when it rains.


kouklah t1_ja69oea wrote

the land be foaming at the mouth 😩


Proper_Support_1798 t1_ja6ov81 wrote

got an old shop on the farm that they fly around at night inside, if youre at the bench under the light they swoop catching the bugs while i stand there.

id rather get bit by a bat than explain life to one of these panicky kids.


chienamoure t1_ja6pd77 wrote

I love watching bats come out at dusk on a summer night