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Leo_br00ks t1_ja6nnsv wrote

We didn’t have to (govt paid them like $2 or $4 a shot or something). Now that the “emergency status” or whatever is ending (over?) we may have to start paying.

Most insurances will cover it I’m sure. But if you don’t have it, it’ll be like $100 a shot or so. There were articles a while ago about Moderna bumping the price way up lol

Like the flu shot. They’re trying to get as many people to take it, so a lot of places will take your insurance and just bill them the most they can to cover for the people who have 0 coverage. This is like Walgreens and stuff. A Dr office is different.


Mithras_ t1_ja6sb4z wrote

Thanks for the explanation :) You have to pay for the flu shot here too (Egypt) but the Covid and Rabies vaccine are free including for visitors so if someone fancies a trip it might actually be cheaper to fly here and get them you weren’t joking


Leo_br00ks t1_ja6smie wrote

With insurance covering it, rabies cost should be no more than $200.

BUT you have to have insurance that will cover it. My new insurance will cover it but my old one wouldn’t have unless I was over the $18000 deductible for the year.

When I got my yellow fever shot, it was $250 bc insurance didn’t deem it necessary


Mithras_ t1_ja6szb6 wrote

Yellow Fever isn’t endemic to the states right? You have to pay for it here too but that makes sense since it’s actually unnecessary unless you wish to travel which is on you — allowing things like covid and rabies to go untreated is a public safety hazard though


Leo_br00ks t1_jabrzoz wrote

Correct. Just for travel. And only to risk prone countries. Don’t need it for travel into most “western” nations


eileen404 t1_ja7ben8 wrote

No I wasn't. And you should get your knee replacement surgery while you're there. It costs more than most make in a year. My daughter got hurt in Canada and we laughed at the doctor apologetically giving us a bill for$98. They gave us copies of the paperwork so we could file it to insurance when we got home and we laughed because out of network had a $5k deductable before it started converting at 80%.