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APLJaKaT t1_jab8cbe wrote

I've encountered misprinted tapes a few times....Never a Stanley and usually near the beginning of.the tape.

Fyi tapes are usually printed from a wheel. Look out further , maybe near 48", maybe further and you might find the misprint repeats down the tape. Inaccuracies in tapes also tend to be cyclical for this exact reason.

New tapes that can't be trusted are not something you want to find.

For interests sake, take a few tapes of different makes and line them up extended. Some are miles off.


drpcowboy t1_jadstyp wrote

I can confirm. Many aren't off much at 8'; I have seen some with a 1/8" difference.


SirMctowelie t1_jaf0qff wrote

Same way you confirm a new torpedo level, put it against 2 others :/


APLJaKaT t1_jaf3o27 wrote

Or turn it end for.end on a given surface. Any deviation of the bubble will be twice the actual error.